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Questions no one has the guts to ask the Shitty City "leaders" or the media.

I never thought I'd see criminal behavior rewarded. If the crime was on the rise when covid STARTED, can anyone tell me WHY JAH & Ted & every other "leader" voted to "defund" (as they claimed) the PPB?

Why they *choose* to let them riot?

Why did they decide "the city (meaning the downtown core) *had nothing to lose*?"

Why have they chosen to allow the violence to continue?

Why have they allowed the homeless CRISIS to overtake this city?

Why did they choose to destroy people's livelihoods during a worldwide pandemic they knew would kill hundreds of thousands?

Why did they CHOOSE the last year and a half to decimate this once beautiful, and thriving city?

I can't just "get over" what I never got through.

I can't move on with my back against the freaking wall.

Their ship has sunk.

One day they'll be remembered

for how they tore down and dismembered

a thriving city once so pretty.

for how they stunk

how they were self-centered...

how not one was good-tempered

how not one of them surrendered.

Those People will be remembered.


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