How Can You Learn to Trust God?
God would be Truth.
Truth creates trust, lies destroy the truth, and the trust, Therefore, destroy God.
Truth is the path that leads me where I want to go.
Lies are a path as well that leads me to my emotional and spiritual destruction. Not only who I lie to, but who lies to me as well.
What is the Truth? (IE. Connie's murder) When I want to know the truth, can I afford to know? Can I handle it emotionally and mentally? Am I prepared to know details that won't change events in my life?
I need to write letters to those who have harmed me with unforgivable behaviors. Telling them that THIS is what I KNOW happened, it is them who are living a lie by continuing to be close-minded and live in denial, and that I AM NOT having any part of this anymore.
If I trust in "God" the Truth, I will heal and grow spiritually. I need to look at what I have. Not at things I had.
I need to write a list of what I own, what I've invested in. If I were to lose it all tomorrow, would I buy again if I see the values of my interests?
I need to look at who I am, not at what I was. Identify my present strengths and attributes. I need not look at who I was. What would I change within myself? Would my values change? I need to look at what I've lost, after all, I've lost all. What are the things and qualities I would get back if I could? And, what are the things that need to remain where they are?
I MUST do what is right for me before I can suggest what I think might be best for a friend...
I must be always working with others, somehow being of service to others. My profession is so very important to me.
What are the facts as I know them?
I MUST live life on life’s terms.
I have gone insane, I have gone to hospitals, I have gone to jail as a result of NOT doing so.
I can give up and go nowhere... staying stuck or... I can surrender to my "God", Truth, and I can trust and grow.
I MUST establish an emergency circle of people I can turn to in cases of my own emotional fraud...
I must access and use the tools I've been given.
I must let others love me until I can love myself.
I never claimed to "have it all, but I have all I need. It wasn't until after I lost it all that I found it isn't and wasn't the things I owned/own that make me the person I am. Rather I am the person of what is within myself, that being called the Soul, which can be cold, dark evil or warm caring, giving and compassionate. Living under and in the sunlight of the Spirit.
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